
rain rain rain...

woke up this morning to.....

(no surprise)

RAIN. (it's basically been raining non-stop for four/five days)

after doing my ritual morning facebooking/gmailing i stepped over next door to s9d (only Canada was awake) and chilled there til Kt, Kl, Am, and Elav woke up.

theeennnn we went one of my top favorite places ever:


we bothered to take the like......20 minute trip out to anderson (i drove) to get there but ohhhh it was heaven....summer corn chowder and asiago roast beef? thank the sweet lord and his baby jesus too.

anyway now we're back in s9d, V's parents are still here (oh by the way it was parents weekend)
making brownies next door ( in s9c ), H is driving home from....home (va beach), but the rest of us are staying in on a rainy day to watch movies!!! (my favorite thing to do on sundays if i'm not going to the lake!)

we rented three films, that we're going to watch in the following order:

nights in rodanthe



i love you, man

which should carry us to about the time H gets home....at which point we will watch twilight!!!
basically the perfect rainy day :)

1 comment:

  1. haha don't you have homework? sundays at uva are everyone spending the entire day in the library doing work. your life sounds cooler.
