
if you want to sing out, sing out

i've always loved (read: adored) cat stevens, but with the introduction of the sprint "mytouch" commercials featuring cat stevens' song "if you want to sing out" i've been set off on a rejuvenated cat stevens kick.

he's kinda a badass...he was huge hippie peace-train type of guy with a ridiculously delicious voice/songs and then abruptly converted to islam and changed his name to yusef islam and was out of the spotlight.

(this always happens, some of my favorite artists go into hiding of some form/break up before i am old enough/am in existence to appreciate them --prime example: the format)

so being as i've been confined to bed rest for...mmm...two days or so now, i've had to find ways to entertain myself (being as no one will come near me for fear of possibly swine...)...and what better way to do that than to download the entire cat stevens 12-album discography! :)

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