

so yesterday i woke up feeling poorly...you know, the usual

sore throat
body aches
slight congestion


i headed over to Jervey (athletic center place thing....whatever there's a doctor for athletes there) and got checked out...turns out i'm legitimately sick! was prescribed dayquil/nyquil/cough drops (i'm sure i could've done that myself...) and was instructed not to go to practice til at least thursday...and only attend class if i truly felt up to it. oh and to "self-isolate" because it may or may not be flu (or swine!) and may or may not be just mild or sever symptoms...

i went home and slept for a good couple hours, was awake for a good couple more, tried to make macaroni, ate four bites, then took some nyquil and went to sleep.

i woke up at 930 this morning (missed psych class...oops..) but felt shitty as it was and couldn't summon the energy to actually move and/or get out from under my blanket (i was freezing...) so i filled out my class absence form online and fell asleep...again

around noon i tried to eat some crackers but i honestly just have no appetite...it's rather unfortunate. i took a shower and was feeling better...but the illness is getting back to me about nowsap...my head hurts and i'm getting chills...i think i'll go take another nap in a bit.

regardless...i hope i get better soon...it's parents weekend this weekend and i don't want to ruin that for the mother and father by being sick...it's also parade of athletes....which primarily means free t shirt ( haha...) and plus....i really hate missing practice :( especially when we've only got a month and a half til the hooch (and i'm really tryin to get in that novice 8! --there are 4 coxswains fighting for one spot--)

i'm missing music and reading...i don't really have time to work on my musical/literary enlightenment here...compared to the time i did at home. so my ipod usually sits lonely right on top of the book i never finished reading from when i got here (a month ago...) on a shelf above my bed.....
i'm trying to make a goal to devote more time to all that and such...cut down on sleeping?studying? haha....i'll work on it.

(ps: hoping S will make a visit down here by fall break <3)

also really kinda thrilled...it's looking like if K makes it to the NC invitational, i'll be able to hitch a ride up to charlotte that saturday to see my sister/see her race...otherwise i won't see her til thanksgiving! (so i'm really hoping that works out...i miss her, i'll admit it)

i'm ill!


  1. YOU HAVE SWINE. a bunch of rowers are sick too. i was sick for like two days but i'm fine now. finally, let me know the SECOND you figure out when you're coming up here :)

  2. why did you list your symptoms with different fonts? seems a tad unnecessary.

  3. stop judgingggg.

    for aesthetic appeal basically.
