
for now


thursday i discovered i had mono, friday i discovered i had strep......aaand saturday at 539 am S stepped off a train and into clemson (to see me!!!). yes, for the record, he's the best.

because i'm sick i'm banned from practice so S and i went back to s9 and slept til around noon at which point we woke up, and S made us cheesy eggs and toast (delicious oh my goodness, i've missed S cooking). we ditched on the game cuz it was rainy and i was drugged up on mono pills, strep pills, and dayquil. we ended up lazing about and watching i love you, man with Canada, Kt, and Ln (which of course, S, Kt, and i quoted the rest of the weekend)

"laters on the menjay"

"see you then or see you at another time"
"...i'm really confused now i don't know if you're coming over or not"

....that film never fails to make me laugh.

anyway, due to the mono i'm not really good to fiesta on weekends and therefore, Kt, S, and i drove over to Tr's apartment. Tr's boyfriend, Jm was there as well as her roommate (who doesn't drink), however Tr and Jm were already fairly intoxicated. Jm ended up providing S with a self-replenishing supply of beer while the rest of us chatted, and Jm made us this epic "japanese rice" ....aka rice and eggs....but it was still amazing.

we came back to s9 where everyone was fiesta-ing...but S and i went to watch observe and report and then went to sleep.

sunday was maybe one of the more perfect days in my life...
S and i walked in to town and had delicious subs at firehouse subs and then walked home, changed and went to the lake with Kt, Ky, V, Am, Elav, Srm, Ns, Ht and Tv. S unearthed his hot pink sparkly speedo for the occasion, and we all swam and played and laid out in the sun and tanned and S even jumped off the bridge--3 times!

we left the lake in the late afternoon and drove over to the bi-lo to pick up supplies for a cookout in s9! Ky stole a grill from the calhoun courts grilling area and S pulled out all his manly skills and grilled burgers and hot dogs for us, while V set up an assembly line of condiments, and Elav and Kt were on fry/potato salad duty. We all took the bar chairs outside and sat and talked while we grilled and then all indulged in an epic "family dinner" (we've all since agreed to make sundays family dinner nights).

then elav, S and i headed over to the bo burnham concert!!!
bo is so much more hilarious live than he is just on youtube...and worth every dollar of the sixteen i paid to go see his show :) ohhhh and i finally got a photo with a (pseudo) celebrity!!! so that was an accomplishment in itself

when we got back everyone was eating funfetti cupcakes (drooolll) and we all watched across the universe, then S and i slept on the futon.

this morning i had to get up for class, but afterward i brought back hot chocolate and bagels and woke up S for a late breakfast. while i went to english class, S bused into town for a haircut (it looks cute surprisingly...it doesn't always haha) and then we came home and napped and watched donnie darko (i've never seen it!).

unfortunately i drop S off at the train station late tonight for him to head back to school, but before then V is making a big delicious dinner for everyone, which i'm looking forward to

sooo basically i had a deliciously fun weekend and hopefully i'll see S again in another two weeks or so, but if not, the weekend was nevertheless rejuvenating and all is looking good for now :)

1 comment:

  1. i seriously don't understand why you never have to do homework... but your life sounds luxurious. i'm glad you had a fun weekend :)
