
wake up

arcade fire
is so good i can't stand it. you know what's even better? S playing/singing "wake up" for me on ooVoo. i love him.

besides this...i really want to see "where the wild things are"...that movie looks beyond precious.
also, i really want to be max for halloween. cutest little pajama bunny costume thing ever....wouldn't that be an amazing costume??? but i only have second dibs on it (Kt found the costume first...curses!) so we'll see how that plays out.

working on fall break...c-ville and h-burg :) <3


for now


thursday i discovered i had mono, friday i discovered i had strep......aaand saturday at 539 am S stepped off a train and into clemson (to see me!!!). yes, for the record, he's the best.

because i'm sick i'm banned from practice so S and i went back to s9 and slept til around noon at which point we woke up, and S made us cheesy eggs and toast (delicious oh my goodness, i've missed S cooking). we ditched on the game cuz it was rainy and i was drugged up on mono pills, strep pills, and dayquil. we ended up lazing about and watching i love you, man with Canada, Kt, and Ln (which of course, S, Kt, and i quoted the rest of the weekend)

"laters on the menjay"

"see you then or see you at another time"
"...i'm really confused now i don't know if you're coming over or not"

....that film never fails to make me laugh.

anyway, due to the mono i'm not really good to fiesta on weekends and therefore, Kt, S, and i drove over to Tr's apartment. Tr's boyfriend, Jm was there as well as her roommate (who doesn't drink), however Tr and Jm were already fairly intoxicated. Jm ended up providing S with a self-replenishing supply of beer while the rest of us chatted, and Jm made us this epic "japanese rice" ....aka rice and eggs....but it was still amazing.

we came back to s9 where everyone was fiesta-ing...but S and i went to watch observe and report and then went to sleep.

sunday was maybe one of the more perfect days in my life...
S and i walked in to town and had delicious subs at firehouse subs and then walked home, changed and went to the lake with Kt, Ky, V, Am, Elav, Srm, Ns, Ht and Tv. S unearthed his hot pink sparkly speedo for the occasion, and we all swam and played and laid out in the sun and tanned and S even jumped off the bridge--3 times!

we left the lake in the late afternoon and drove over to the bi-lo to pick up supplies for a cookout in s9! Ky stole a grill from the calhoun courts grilling area and S pulled out all his manly skills and grilled burgers and hot dogs for us, while V set up an assembly line of condiments, and Elav and Kt were on fry/potato salad duty. We all took the bar chairs outside and sat and talked while we grilled and then all indulged in an epic "family dinner" (we've all since agreed to make sundays family dinner nights).

then elav, S and i headed over to the bo burnham concert!!!
bo is so much more hilarious live than he is just on youtube...and worth every dollar of the sixteen i paid to go see his show :) ohhhh and i finally got a photo with a (pseudo) celebrity!!! so that was an accomplishment in itself

when we got back everyone was eating funfetti cupcakes (drooolll) and we all watched across the universe, then S and i slept on the futon.

this morning i had to get up for class, but afterward i brought back hot chocolate and bagels and woke up S for a late breakfast. while i went to english class, S bused into town for a haircut (it looks cute surprisingly...it doesn't always haha) and then we came home and napped and watched donnie darko (i've never seen it!).

unfortunately i drop S off at the train station late tonight for him to head back to school, but before then V is making a big delicious dinner for everyone, which i'm looking forward to

sooo basically i had a deliciously fun weekend and hopefully i'll see S again in another two weeks or so, but if not, the weekend was nevertheless rejuvenating and all is looking good for now :)



still sick...which is totally weird....i'm never sick...let alone sick for this long. it's absurd and i just want it to be done with. ugh.

also kinda bummin....not totally sure clem is the place for me...needless to say i'm looking at the trans apps...

missed my history exam today due to illness...my professor was very understanding though, just concerned that i've already missed two lectures...but hopefully all that will work out.

i really need to do laundry but my head hurts too much for me to lug a basket of laundry from my house to the commons building, despite the fact that i literally have no more underwear and only have one pair of shorts left....problem.

i have a doctor's appointment at 2 today at which point im hoping they'll drug me up good this time
i just hate being sick because everyone shuns me...Am and Elav are the only ones who are any nice to me...it sucks.
also i think people think i am faking sick which is my number one fear when i get sick....i dont enjoy missing practices and classes...honestly....i LIKE working out/coxing and i LIKE learning....i dont skip them on purpose...

so basically this week is just getting worse....hoping visit from S saturday-monday will make me infinitely happier :)


flightless bird

I was a quick wet boy, diving too deep for coins
All of your street light eyes wide on my plastic toys
Then when the cops closed the fair, I cut my long baby hair
Stole me a dog-eared map and called for you everywhere

Have I found you
Flightless bird, jealous, weeping or lost you, american mouth
Big pill looming

Now I'm a fat house cat
Nursing my sore blunt tongue
Watching the warm poison rats curl through the wide fence cracks
Pissing on magazine photos
Those fishing lures thrown in the cold
And clean blood of Christ mountain stream

Have I found you
Flightless bird, grounded, bleeding or lost you, american mouth
Big pill stuck going down

i've figured it out. and now we can move forward :)


rain rain rain...

woke up this morning to.....

(no surprise)

RAIN. (it's basically been raining non-stop for four/five days)

after doing my ritual morning facebooking/gmailing i stepped over next door to s9d (only Canada was awake) and chilled there til Kt, Kl, Am, and Elav woke up.

theeennnn we went one of my top favorite places ever:


we bothered to take the like......20 minute trip out to anderson (i drove) to get there but ohhhh it was heaven....summer corn chowder and asiago roast beef? thank the sweet lord and his baby jesus too.

anyway now we're back in s9d, V's parents are still here (oh by the way it was parents weekend)
making brownies next door ( in s9c ), H is driving home from....home (va beach), but the rest of us are staying in on a rainy day to watch movies!!! (my favorite thing to do on sundays if i'm not going to the lake!)

we rented three films, that we're going to watch in the following order:

nights in rodanthe



i love you, man

which should carry us to about the time H gets home....at which point we will watch twilight!!!
basically the perfect rainy day :)





if you want to sing out, sing out

i've always loved (read: adored) cat stevens, but with the introduction of the sprint "mytouch" commercials featuring cat stevens' song "if you want to sing out" i've been set off on a rejuvenated cat stevens kick.

he's kinda a badass...he was huge hippie peace-train type of guy with a ridiculously delicious voice/songs and then abruptly converted to islam and changed his name to yusef islam and was out of the spotlight.

(this always happens, some of my favorite artists go into hiding of some form/break up before i am old enough/am in existence to appreciate them --prime example: the format)

so being as i've been confined to bed rest for...mmm...two days or so now, i've had to find ways to entertain myself (being as no one will come near me for fear of possibly swine...)...and what better way to do that than to download the entire cat stevens 12-album discography! :)



so yesterday i woke up feeling poorly...you know, the usual

sore throat
body aches
slight congestion


i headed over to Jervey (athletic center place thing....whatever there's a doctor for athletes there) and got checked out...turns out i'm legitimately sick! was prescribed dayquil/nyquil/cough drops (i'm sure i could've done that myself...) and was instructed not to go to practice til at least thursday...and only attend class if i truly felt up to it. oh and to "self-isolate" because it may or may not be flu (or swine!) and may or may not be just mild or sever symptoms...

i went home and slept for a good couple hours, was awake for a good couple more, tried to make macaroni, ate four bites, then took some nyquil and went to sleep.

i woke up at 930 this morning (missed psych class...oops..) but felt shitty as it was and couldn't summon the energy to actually move and/or get out from under my blanket (i was freezing...) so i filled out my class absence form online and fell asleep...again

around noon i tried to eat some crackers but i honestly just have no appetite...it's rather unfortunate. i took a shower and was feeling better...but the illness is getting back to me about nowsap...my head hurts and i'm getting chills...i think i'll go take another nap in a bit.

regardless...i hope i get better soon...it's parents weekend this weekend and i don't want to ruin that for the mother and father by being sick...it's also parade of athletes....which primarily means free t shirt ( haha...) and plus....i really hate missing practice :( especially when we've only got a month and a half til the hooch (and i'm really tryin to get in that novice 8! --there are 4 coxswains fighting for one spot--)

i'm missing music and reading...i don't really have time to work on my musical/literary enlightenment here...compared to the time i did at home. so my ipod usually sits lonely right on top of the book i never finished reading from when i got here (a month ago...) on a shelf above my bed.....
i'm trying to make a goal to devote more time to all that and such...cut down on sleeping?studying? haha....i'll work on it.

(ps: hoping S will make a visit down here by fall break <3)

also really kinda thrilled...it's looking like if K makes it to the NC invitational, i'll be able to hitch a ride up to charlotte that saturday to see my sister/see her race...otherwise i won't see her til thanksgiving! (so i'm really hoping that works out...i miss her, i'll admit it)

i'm ill!


polo & charleston

I really want to learn to play polo...

things with S are better ...I'm happy even though i still don't know what's up.

in the meantime...
planning a trip to charleston, sc for fall break! i'm really excited...i'd be going with Kl, Kt, V and perhaps others....all of us in one hotel room and just clubbing all weekend....so much fun :) i hope the trip works out :)


david bowie, among other things

in study hall ("EEE" -"engage, enrich, empower") a study hall set up for student athlete to make sure we don't fail off our asses in college what with practices and such....we're required to pull out 10 hours a week in here from sunday at 3pm by friday at 3pm. it's not too bad (yes, it has forced me to develop study habits) it just gets old fast when you've already done literally all of your homework and you're just in here killing time...aka what i'm doing now. i've already been in here for two hours this morning and i read a good half of my book for history as well as did my math homework...i have to fill up three more hours in here ...but the only thing i have left to do is 40 pages of my history book....so needless to say, i'm killing time blogging and ffffound-ing, which is a pasttime to say the least so i'm not complaining (why would i complain???? i love photos and blogging....goodness i almost want to delete that but i think i'll leave this post as a stream of consciousness).

anyway, chatted with J today about.....relationships, her Z, my S, complications, and difficulty making friends outside of the rowing team...we've vowed to join a club (right, with what time?) and meet some cool people...but we'll see how that go. considering our "vow" to go on a run this afternoon ended up as a leisurely stroll over to the '55 exchange to pick up a tub of caramel cookie dough ice cream...

speaking of......going to "spill the beans" with J as soon as we're done with EEE :)

anyway fffound/flickr/photo favorites for the day:

(ps: don't even get me started on how much i love david bowie...)

it's pretty much one of my life's ambitions to be invited to have a ffffound account...

speaking of...

present life ambitions:
-get invited to ffffound
-get the black kids here to think i'm cool and not a stupid white girl (i asked this one kid last night what he meant by "homeboy")
-read 3 (leisure) books by fall break
-secret beach on sunday :)
-drunk adventure at a waffle house

trying to pick a new party/fiesta/late-night drive song for september...something funky, upbeat, catchy, fresh.....suggestions?


silver fox

no, i'm not talking about sexy old men.

i'm talking about how....i'm gonna get a silver fox. seriously...

i've been reading up on them. they're immensely adorable...
and since the soviets domesticated them, they've been for sale as pets in the U.S., totally legal, no lie, and they're just as tame as dogs, and apparently very affectionate toward humans...

so basically, as soon as i'm living off campus i'm getting a fox kit as a pet :)