
things i love past midnight [2]

these summer nights, being as i'm still on my collegelyfe sleep schedule, i tend to stay up far past the bedtimes of the rest of the household. hence the second installment in my series of posts entitled "things i love past midnight"... :

1. phoenix

no, not the city (although i do love the city--having spent 3 years of my childhood there), but the band silly! i've had their "wolfgang amadeus phoenix" album on repeat for the past 2 1/2 hours.


please click the link. it's this sick website that makes maps of music. type in a band you love and it will give you the band's musical "relatives"....great for discovering new musiqa :)


3. peacocks

they just look cool as fuck.
and so blue! i don't know why but i'm always mesmerized when things are truly, naturally blue...how does nature DO that??

4. j.d. salinger's "the catcher in the rye"

i know, i've committed some sort of crime against literature by being an english major who has yet to read about holden. but fact: i have never read the catcher in the rye. until this morning! yes, people, i have finally begun this famed and esteemed novel. and i'm lovvviinnngg itt

5. water

don't get me started...but i am obsessed with water. on my mental list of my top favorite things ever, i'd have to say water tops it.

i am a stumbling fiend. what else am i supposed to do with my time all summer?

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