

i recently have become obsessed with hipsters.

not in a crazy way...i don't want to be a hipster...i'm just perpetually amused by the concept of hipsters.

a personal favorite website that cracks me up daily: look at this fucking hipster, is a "people of wal-mart" type website where people send in pics of hipsters they see and create little captions for them. it makes me laugh so hard.

further, regular people of the world have been increasingly aware of hipsters...as they have frequently made the news. check this article out. the caption up top is presently honored in my facebook status...just because it is both hilarious and amusingly true.

[ps: everyone should tweet. i think one of the reasons i love hipsters is because they tweet]

more support for my hipster love: i loved matt & kim before, but once i read online that "matt & kim make the hipsters sweaty" i loved them even more.

in retrospect (aka rereading before clicking "publish") this is a fairly convoluted post. i dont know how to clear this up...just appreciate the humour surrounding the concept of hipsters. seriously. just do it.

and someone tell me to get off blogger and go write a paper on othello.

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