

i really had to post a second post tonight.


i hate the number 7.
but i love the word seven.

it's complicated. but it's one of those OCD traits i have.

i'm gonna blame my grandmother for this one, because when i was young, and K and i used to spend countless summer hours at our grandparents house playing uno with them at the kitchen table [and drinking endless amounts of sprite, and eating endless amounts of bugles--totally underrated snack by the way], i once laid down a 7 in uno, and exclaimed something like "yeah! 7!" because a friend of mine's favorite number was 7 and, [at the age of 7 probably] i was easily influenced by the likes and dislikes of my friends at that age. my grandmother for some reason took excessive offense to my exclamation and instead instructed me that 7s were terrible numbers, and that 13 was the lucky number [i was so foolish back then--i thought it was the other way around!].

so ever since then i cannot stand 7s.
for example, when putting ice cubes in my drinks [sidenote: i love ice cubes. as in, i like my cup almost full of ice cubes before putting the drink in it--i think i get jipped (sp?) at fast food restaurants in this respect]. at home, the size of our glasses allow for precisely 9 ice cubes. now when it comes to my ice cubes, i don't really like to use even numbers of ice cubes either. so, when filling up my glass with ice cubes, that leaves me 2 options: 5 ice cubes, or 9 ice cubes, because i don't like even numbers of ice cubes, i need the cup at least half full of ice cubes, and if i have 7 ice cubes, i will and have refused to drink my drink.

the great "however" here is that, as a lexophiliac, i really like the word seven, how it feels when is say it, and the aesthetics of the word as text as well. i hate 7 as a quantity, but love it as a word...

anyway, the point i'm really trying to make here, is that i cannot CANNOT have a quantity of 7s....it truly makes me squeamy and uncomfortable, and as the previous blogpost was my 7th post in the month of april, i had to throw in an eighth so that i can actually sleep tonight.

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