
red dots

back from the trizz on saturday...what a delight!
spent plenty of time with former and present enablers, and ran wild with A and N, K and mlc, as well as A's brother D.

rocked the cat print purple shorts and various leopard print attire (spandex included) on kiwanis day, and even got two new rings and some other fun purchases in downtown black mountain.

the sermons were by this guy, JF (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_Fife) from tuscon, AZ. he was very politically charged, and each sermon focused on a different social or political issue....ranging from global warming to immigration. the one that really got my attention however was the one he preached on immigration on thursday night. JF started an organization that helped refugees from el salvador and guatemala get across the border into america (and thus to safety). given the american distaste for hispanic immigrants (etc) crossing the border, such an organization has run into many issues regarding lawfulness etc (JF apparently has almost been arrested a billion times). he showed us a map that had a red dot in the desert for every refugee or illegal immigrant who has died in the desert due to lack of food or water (etc) while attempting to get into the united states. there were an astonishing amount of red dots and later, while talking about it with a kid from south carolina who was adamantly against illegal immigration, i realized this map was what truly made people angry/think about what JF had been saying...the kid from south carolina admitted that he absolutely opposed all illegals attempting to get into the US, but that such an opposition is conflicted upon seeing such a map...people shouldn't be dying too. JF's organization also goes out and puts water and food out in the desert for illegals (once they've already entered america) so as to not allow them to die and become another red dot on his map. the offering that night half went to the refugee assistance and half went to water and food placement in the desert....i donated as much money as i could spare and my sister gave all she had left. truly, the most inspiring sermon i have ever heard.

in the meantime, tearing my room apart packing for college...it's awfully hard to decide what i will and will not need....as well as which trinkets/posters/etc i'll want to bring along to decorate my apartment with.

and then there's the page long list of things i still have to go out and buy, oh boy...

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