
hello, stranger

i am aaaatt....college!

it rocks.
yesterday dad and i drove five plus hours from the beach all the way across grimey-lina to school. i got there all of five hours BEHIND my roommate, Elav and she had already filled the room with her personal touches. Elav was out to lunch with her fam, and my other apartment-mates, V and Am were out to lunch as well, so it was just my father and i toting things into the apartment (with the generous assistance of some orange-shirted upperclassmen).
we made the bed first

(i'm top bunk, which is proving to be a ....er.... "fun" interlude hopping up and down from it)

then my mother, K, and L showed up, later trailed by my grandparents and uncle. after everyone had taken a look at our living space, they let me be for a few hours to organize my room and decorate and such.

i tackled my clothing and hung up everything in the closet, and put away clothes and such in the dresser, then collaged my various clippings and such on my cork board as well as the built in cork board on my desk

V and Am slept with their families at their hotels so they left in the early evening and i didn't see them again until this morning. around seven or so, my family came to pick me up and we went and had dinner at the campus inn...or whatever. the food was AMAZINGG i had a swordfish trio with salad and a lobster bisque i believe? i ate as much as i could and still had plenty of leftovers for lunch today :)

after getting dropped back at my apartment and saying goodnight to my family, i ran over to another crew girl's apartment to get schwasty with Elav and four other girls. some baseball team guys were there for a bit, as well as two kids Elav knew from high school; it didn't get too wild, but when C started throwing up we dipped...

i decided then would be a good time to call S, and a simple phone call turned into a skype chat while Elav and i enjoyed cupcakes and the apartment to ourselves for the night. I crashed around 12:30, move in day was exhausting...

today, mom picked me up at nine to get any last-minute purchases at a target ten miles away. we trekked there and back, picking up primarily more hooks and more hangers! who'd've thought those would be the things i used most abundantly...hmm!

we had our new student convocation in the afternoon, and after that i said goodbye to my mom, L, grandparents and uncle (dad and K i said goodbye to the night before)

after Elav, V, and Am returned from Fike (the fitness center) everyone showered and we made chicken quesadillas in our kitchen (they were delicious, for the record) with Srm from the apartment across from us. we had intentions to then go out for ice cream at spill the beans in town, but imminent thunderstorms and loud siren warnings (school induced) suggested we "head for shelter-ground to ground lightning!" and so on, so we modified our ice cream plans to just run over to the ice cream place at the student center. V, Am, Srm, Elav, Ln and i sprinted across the street JUST as the APOCOLYPSE OF RAIN STORMS occurred....only to discover it was closed, we were both soaked and slightly miffed, but agreed to sprint back to our apartment to enjoy cupcakes and ice cream while watching pineapple express.

tomorrow, Elav, Srm and i have the foreign language placement test (bleh) and then everyone has various orientation activities, but what i truly can't wait for is the welcome back festival/block party downtown tomorrow night!!!
lots of free stuff and lots of fun :)
the crew girls are great, but i do recall that i should make friends OUTside of crew (ha! necessary? meeehhhhh...) and hope to acquaint with a few strangers tomorrow

ps: alice in wonderland comes out on my birthday...i'm so excited

pss: can you tell i've been ffffound-ing it again?


  1. MERE MERE MERE! your college life is so legit. i can't wait to do my official first-day-of-college post... though it will probably be slightly less epic than yours, because my dorm is like 1/10 the size of your jumbo apartment. say hi to all the crew girls for me, i can't wait to meet them :) I MISS/LOVE YOU! <3

  2. I was top bunk in College too. It's one of those things that you'll either love or hate. Making sure you have an alarm you can reach w/out having to jump all the way down is a must. I cant remember how many times I accidentally left my alarm armed on a Friday night, only to wake my roommate and I up at 6am on Saturday.

  3. Oh my gosh I'm so excited for the Alice in Wonderland movie too! It looks AMAZING.
