
orange roses

huge welcome back festival downtown yesterday, in which Ln, Elav, Srm, and i got soo much free stuff...including FREE BOXES OF MAC N CHEESE (huge win, trust me), as well as fifty cent orange roses (gorgeous :) ...Elav and i promptly trimmed the length and put them in a vase in our room). also checked out the secret back-alley ice cream/smoothie/coffee shop "spill the beans" and had an amazzziiinggg pineapple mango smoothie....so real.

yesterday also marked my first time eating at a dining hall, Srm, Elav and i had both lunch and dinner at "shitter" ....surprisingly fantastic food believe it or not!

later, V, Elav and i went about lookin for parties, had a ride to a toga party but weren't inclined to dress for that...so we waited for a pick-up to sigma chi (missed two rides....fail), then arbitrarily were picked up by some random people and were taken to a house party with the rugby team...wild. we are now biffs with the rugby team....random? much so.

got back around 2:30 am, and Elav and i sprinted over to wish happy birthday to J (18!), then came home to drink lootttsss of water and fix ourselves mac n cheese (the free kind...tastes so much better than purchased), then crashed.

off to shitter again, then soccer game, then throwdown for V not having stds, and for J's 18th :)

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