
most likely to lose

i was beyond delighted when i was yelled at by Hn in the stand tonight to come swim IM (individual medley for all the non-swimmers out there).  haven't swam in over a year, but enthusiastically agreed to join the "exhibition swim" consisting of two lifeguards, and 3 coaches (i was the only girl).  I borrowed a "porn star suit" (college swim meet suit, scandalously high in the hips, very revealing in the back, impossibly tight all over) and had assistance slipping it on over my lifeguard bikini.  I joined in the pre-swim jumping contests and dances to the "i'm so excited, and i just can't hide it" song, as well as "wake me up before you go-go" and then swam....i finished last, 30 seconds behind Hn (embarassing HA!) and when i reached the finish, eight-year-old jayden comes up to me and asks through his gums (he's missing multiple teeth up top):

"you, swam?!"

"of course, jayden!"


"why not! i wanted to swim!"

"but you were most likely to lose!"

....thanks jayden :)

five books i'm trying to finish before college

1. Atlas Shrugged--Ayn Rand
2. Travels With Charlie--John Steinbeck
3. Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince (trying to finish before midnight premiere! 7/15)
4. Pride and Prejudice--Jane Austen
5. The Speed of Dark (required summer reading book for school)

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