
children are dogs

i dressed up as dobby.

unfortunately.....no one else dressed up? wtf?
i thought everyone and their mom dressed up for harry potter premieres but apparently not.

anyway i rolled out of my house at 930, decked out in bald cap, a pillow case, and elf shaped ears cut out of paper plates taped to my own ears, picked up T, got us some wendy's (hollaa at them chicken nuggets, fries, and frosties)....

i'll admit it was embarassing to roll up to the drive-thru window to collect my food dressed as i was....the two guys working the window gave me a weird look and hesitated before passing me my bag of food

got to theater around 1030. waited in line. 

i shook a lot with excitement/anticipation, and shouted a lot.
T made promises not to take me out in public again.....
i didn't care

anyway, the sixth film was incredible. three hours long, but worth absolutely every moment, and it stayed fairly true to the book until dumbledore's death...then it mostly seemed as though in a scramble to conclude the movie and tie up loose ends, but regardless, it was true love. i intend to go see it at least two more times in theatres.....amazing.

of course immediately after getting home from the film (at 3:30 am, mind you) i took several online "sorting hat" quizzes...was placed in ravenclaw every time!!! so excited ahaha...

slept forever on wednesday, then went to visit a certain australian and her adorable baby. it weirded me out a little bit that a girl two years ahead of me had a son...but she seemed absolutely adoring of him and the child was so damn cute, and stunningly intelligent, as well as very creative with his animal noises (giraffe??? i can't even do that)!

then got ROBEK'S for S and i, delivered it, went to visit K & P, then to work.

worked all day today.
got the hiccups literally five different times.
Mg and i went through about thirty million push up popsicles... we frickin love those things and eat about a thousand a day while playing flood-it on my itouch ...good times at the pool

i spent a lot of time observing people today at the pool:

it's weird, parent/child interactions.
i'd see multiple kids a day do tricks for their parents, and then eagerly await the praise from their parents...they crave it after their performance.

or in multiple other instances, a parent would throw five to ten pool toys, and watch as their kid fetched all of them
....children are dogs?

regardless of the weirdness, 
Mg pretty much summed it up for me:

"working here makes me want to have about five hundred children, they're all so damn cute"

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