
le trizz

putting off packing...

tomorrow at 8 am i'll be trundling along to montreat (!!!) in nc with A, N, K, and others (MLC!!!!!! <3).....

particularly thrilled about a long awaited and necessary run-in with my nettagans from both SSD and L&B....i'm so excited!!!!!

(the house we're staying in....it's HUGE, but totally awesome!)

see you in august :)


stranger, then fiction


now, don't be alarmed.
it breeds a lot of creepers, sure. the classic "asl" and "i'm horny, cyber sex?"

but besides that...

you run into a lot of hilarious/insane/amusing/interesting people.

tonight, i was so lucky to engage in multiple interesting conversations.

it has yourself labeled as "You" and whoever you are talking to labeled as "Stranger" and you can disconnect whenever you want and you never know who you're talking to...

the first, i was given multiple "quests" such as find the second mcdonald's in NYC, or get a rock my a backyard.

the second, miley cyrus and i chatted, about rob thomas, and twitter, and my novel, and if she's gonna go to college, and her novel...bitch got published before me! it's okay i won't hold a grudge :)

the third, a chat about harry potter, and will ferrell, and whether or not inheritance has any effect upon humor.

i wonder who will be the first marriage to result from an omegle conversation?
i'm intrigued now!

meanwhile, my novel is in the works :)
still thinking on a title...


children are dogs

i dressed up as dobby.

unfortunately.....no one else dressed up? wtf?
i thought everyone and their mom dressed up for harry potter premieres but apparently not.

anyway i rolled out of my house at 930, decked out in bald cap, a pillow case, and elf shaped ears cut out of paper plates taped to my own ears, picked up T, got us some wendy's (hollaa at them chicken nuggets, fries, and frosties)....

i'll admit it was embarassing to roll up to the drive-thru window to collect my food dressed as i was....the two guys working the window gave me a weird look and hesitated before passing me my bag of food

got to theater around 1030. waited in line. 

i shook a lot with excitement/anticipation, and shouted a lot.
T made promises not to take me out in public again.....
i didn't care

anyway, the sixth film was incredible. three hours long, but worth absolutely every moment, and it stayed fairly true to the book until dumbledore's death...then it mostly seemed as though in a scramble to conclude the movie and tie up loose ends, but regardless, it was true love. i intend to go see it at least two more times in theatres.....amazing.

of course immediately after getting home from the film (at 3:30 am, mind you) i took several online "sorting hat" quizzes...was placed in ravenclaw every time!!! so excited ahaha...

slept forever on wednesday, then went to visit a certain australian and her adorable baby. it weirded me out a little bit that a girl two years ahead of me had a son...but she seemed absolutely adoring of him and the child was so damn cute, and stunningly intelligent, as well as very creative with his animal noises (giraffe??? i can't even do that)!

then got ROBEK'S for S and i, delivered it, went to visit K & P, then to work.

worked all day today.
got the hiccups literally five different times.
Mg and i went through about thirty million push up popsicles... we frickin love those things and eat about a thousand a day while playing flood-it on my itouch ...good times at the pool

i spent a lot of time observing people today at the pool:

it's weird, parent/child interactions.
i'd see multiple kids a day do tricks for their parents, and then eagerly await the praise from their parents...they crave it after their performance.

or in multiple other instances, a parent would throw five to ten pool toys, and watch as their kid fetched all of them
....children are dogs?

regardless of the weirdness, 
Mg pretty much summed it up for me:

"working here makes me want to have about five hundred children, they're all so damn cute"



harry potter and the half-blood prince.

enough said.

most likely to lose

i was beyond delighted when i was yelled at by Hn in the stand tonight to come swim IM (individual medley for all the non-swimmers out there).  haven't swam in over a year, but enthusiastically agreed to join the "exhibition swim" consisting of two lifeguards, and 3 coaches (i was the only girl).  I borrowed a "porn star suit" (college swim meet suit, scandalously high in the hips, very revealing in the back, impossibly tight all over) and had assistance slipping it on over my lifeguard bikini.  I joined in the pre-swim jumping contests and dances to the "i'm so excited, and i just can't hide it" song, as well as "wake me up before you go-go" and then swam....i finished last, 30 seconds behind Hn (embarassing HA!) and when i reached the finish, eight-year-old jayden comes up to me and asks through his gums (he's missing multiple teeth up top):

"you, swam?!"

"of course, jayden!"


"why not! i wanted to swim!"

"but you were most likely to lose!"

....thanks jayden :)

five books i'm trying to finish before college

1. Atlas Shrugged--Ayn Rand
2. Travels With Charlie--John Steinbeck
3. Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince (trying to finish before midnight premiere! 7/15)
4. Pride and Prejudice--Jane Austen
5. The Speed of Dark (required summer reading book for school)


lindsay lohan's got nothin' on us

one regret i have is that of not spending much time with my youngest sister, L. she's won the attention of my mom through their shared passion for horses and such, but she still spends every moment at home trying to win the rest of our attention. my dad recognizes this and plays into her stupid jokes and loud stories that have nothing to do with anything, are poorly told, and frankly, not interesting, and K bitterly ignores her and call her out on her terrible stories and various other attention grabbing techniques. i'm usually too tired to care, and plus, i spend most of my time out of the house or in my room anyway. a seven year gap makes a difference between us...she's just entering tween-dom when i'm entering adult-dom, and it's unfortunate. we never matched up the way K and i did, or the way K and L can and do (only when K can put aside her generally enflamed persona). but sometimes, we have breakthrough moments where i totally dig my younger sister...

tonight my family and i met my grandparents at bonefish grill for dinner in celebration of my grandparents' 56th wedding anniversary (for their 50th we took a beach trip, it was awesome). at the end of the dinner, i got up to go use the bathroom (frickin waitress kept plopping down a thousand un-requested ginger ales in front of me) and L jumped up and followed me. we met back up again at the sinks and started washing our hands, and that's when the upbeat and catchy song --the name of which i can't remember...it was in the remake of the parent trap-- "this will be, an everlasting love" etc... so that song came on and i, as i usually do, broke out into air-keyboard/piano, rather passionately and enthusiastically. without request, L jumped on air guitar for me and we started rocking out to this song, doing ridiculous dances in front of the wall-length mirror in the bathroom, and trading instruments with the verses (yes, L did hop on air drums for me, and i took the air trumpet). i had so much fun being stupid with L in the bathroom, and it kinda made me bummed that i never saw much of her before i'm going off to college


as always, at this hour, time means nothing

work was bland today, given the imminency of storm, and the lack of my work friends actually working, and my disenchantment with the ten types of ice cream we offer in the freezer (even pink fla-vor-ice failed me today), but was greatly brightened by a visit from B and Ln, and their ridiculous antics.  i ended up joining them swimming for a bit and did my token "high school musical" dive for Ln,  glad she appreciated.....

B did get me stoked about all the free goodies i get as an athlete at clemson :) and threw her foot on the front desk to the office at work in order to display the free flip flops she got last year.  free things are ALWAYS better.


later in the evening i saw "bruno"  --particularly funny. now i've found a reason for taking german...you can understand without subtitles the dialogue between queer lovers!

"bruno" war fantastisch und sehr lustig mit "ein bischen"

wie sag das "crude humor" ?

 and that little baby was super cute!

also via "bruno" i was converted from a red icee girl to a blue icee girl. i've been missing out for so long!

it got normal for S and i tonight 

was delighted to see Sm after seeing "bruno"
can't believe i won't see her again until potentially thanksgiving?!!?!!?
eww worst life

beyond that, merely being plagued by the awfulness of this paper cut on my finger i somehow obtained at work.   it pains me.

 i realized i missed out on my opportunity today to get hooked up with some free goodies.  free slurpee day, people??? you didn't realize it's july eleventh?!?!?!  (7.11.09)

right now

What song are you listening to?
    "after hours" --we are scientists

What does it remind you of?
   late night sneak outs, running around the neighborhood/lake, 7-11 runs multiple times in a night, driving around clifton, sunroofs becoming moonroofs

Last movie you watched? with who?
   "revolutionary road" by myself--late night, lights off, fan on, laptop film-watchings

Which of your friends lives closest to you?

What CD is in your stereo?

Has a friendship ended recently that you wish hadn't?
    unfortunately :(

What are you most looking forward to?
     trizz.  then clemson!


tree allergies

guarding has made me really start (continue...) to adore children.  two of my favorite families of kids at the pool-- the first: jayden, taylor, and devon, and the second: connor, caroline, and ethan, were both present tonight at a swim meet pep rally deal in preparation for a big meet tomorrow morning.  i laughed from the stand as six-year-old taylor and her friend "na-na-ny-boo-boo"-ed (literally! i didn't know people did that anymore) older brother eight-year-old jayden as they walked into the girls' bathroom, chanting "you can't follow us, you can't follow us"--envision if you will, taylor swinging her hips dramatically to her chant, hand cocked on her waist, and curly pigtails bobbing with her giggles.  jayden of course from across the pool deck, looking both sad and immensely small in an oversized virginia tech sweatshirt.  i later watched jayden learn to and become more proficient then myself at volleyball from his swim coach in a matter of about five minutes.  

later, still while up in the stand, eight-year-old connor runs up to me and starts bragging, through mouthfuls of ice-cream sandwich, that he "can know all the names of the lifeguards and call all of their names!"  (granted, he first had to verify that i wasn't another lifeguard who looks vaguely like me)

when i came down from the stand i went over to a crowd of kids sitting on the ground decorating "intimidating" posters for their meet, one with my personal favorite swim team chant for the 8-and-unders-- "Little teeth, small fins, little sharks will always win!" and squatting down next to four-year-old devon to comment on her poster.  i grinned at her backwards scrawl: "TA3B" (BEAT), and couldn't help but laugh when i noticed the only word on her poster written forwards and from left to right was her own name.

when i stood up i was mauled by a hug around the knees from four-year-old ethan, his mouth circled by a red stain of pasta sauce.  he pointed to the band-aids on my arm (i'd gone in for a physical and such this morning and had to get some vaccinations/boosters etc) and asked what they were for.  i told him i'd had to get shots this morning, and i hadn't liked it because i have a fear of needles.  six-year-old caroline then piped up:

"ethan gets shots all the time.  wanna know why? ethan has allergies. whenever ethan sees a bee mom has to put a shot in his leg for five minutes"

"is that the epi-pen thing, caroline?"

"yep, epi-pen shot in his leg. for five minutes!  ethan is allergic to trees, and bees, and mold, and nuts, and cats."

then ethan held up four stubby fingers for me. "i'm allergic to 4 things.  i can't smell flowers."

"is that because bees have been there?"

"yes bees have been there. and pollen."

"aww i'm sorry, you can't ever smell flowers!"

caroline then stepped forward, hands cupped around her mouth.  "can i tell you a secret?"

i bent forward and nodded, turning my ear toward her.

caroline leaned forward and whispered: "ethan only pretends he's allergic to trees."

"hey!" ethan raised his voice, just slightly.  "hey, hey.  you know what my mom says?"

"what does your mom say, ethan?"

"my mom says no secrets!"

....i love kids.

love is situational

just remembering when S and i went apple-picking last october.  failed attempt, apparently all the apples were gone, but he insisted that we pick at least one, even if they were small or contorted, and he helped me reach a high one, so i could say i legitimately went apple-picking. how did he know i really wanted to accomplish that?  i was so happy that day


gimme a noun, and a countdown

thank goodness for S's extensive itunes collection that which he transferred to my mac....presently being introduced to andrew bird and fiona apple....both lovely.  if i made my last name a noun could i be an obscure musician too?

17 days until the trizz.  I'm really excited about it actually...I got a threebie room with A and N and i am anticipating the hilarity that comes from A's insomnia and N's grumpiness when sleepy...also looking forward to A and i following through on our plans to pull off a Sharkboy and Lavagirl costume creation using only clothing bought from the Kiwanis in black mountain. Epic. 

the house we've rented for the week is sick too...it's massive and looks like a hotel/house from when a stranger calls or something....big glass windows on all surfaces of the house and like 10 bedrooms, beautiful atrium-like deal in the kitchen and even a baby grand piano in the living room...wtf???  a thousand times better than Dick House, the house we stayed in last time i was there....famous for "The Harem" the downstairs room where all the girls slept...oh goodness.  and of course, my favorites will be there on summer staff: RK, Lizzle, Lafawnda, purple haze and Cbell.  very excited to see them....particularly Lizzle, purple haze and Cbell--haven't seen them since SSD/trizz 07!!!

and then....also, looking forward to leaving my family...is that so awful?
just weathered a fit of L's...she is turning into such a K.  meanwhile K continues to preach "i told you so, mom, i told you if you didn't discipline her, she'd turn into a brat" ...thank you K for stepping in as parent.
K and L are both my mother....it's weird. 
meanwhile, padre y myself sit back, mellow.  it's appropriate, if you will.

37 days until Clemson :)

the beautiful Tillman....location of most of my education classes in the next four years--eep!

Spartan's family restaurant

Had a delightful lunch with M today at Spartan's.  Caught up and such.  I have missed extensive drives with her from the river and back, etc.  What I'm really trying to say is that Spartan's is the world's best restaurant and everyone should go there.  End of story.  Oh and forbidden friendships are oh so fun :)

not haiku

9 things i'm thinking about

it's a new kind of family

so browsing blogs...it's like every other blog chronicles the life of a baby.
i suppose that's awesome. (okay... i love the KPMK blog)
but really, i want to read about people.  

perhaps i'm a bit narcissistic assuming i'm interesting but i'm intrigued by others soooooo.....

ps: project runway 6 is coming. i'm excited!


kate winslet's voice

have i mentioned i'm in love?

with kate winslet's voice.  i'm so addicted. 

thanks to S, i've been able to enjoy movies on my laptop, and i've found i rather enjoy late night (ex: 2 am) movies in bed.  two nights ago i watched "the reader" and last night i watched "revolutionary road" ...two particularly acclaimed recent films of kate winslet's.  i wasn't so much paying attention to her acting, but more so being lured into a trance-like state by her voice.  it's beautiful. absolutely beautiful.

as for the films, each beautiful as well.  i cried in both! big deal, i rarely cry in films/books anymore.   i was a little disappointed in myself for having not read "revolutionary road" before i watched the film...but nevertheless.  kate's character spoke words to leo's character that i wish i could formulate to S, or similar thoughts at least.

black like me

i am

new to blogging
trying it out
thinking i'm cool, probably won't be
making lists of things i need to buy before college
mentally writing a novel, putting it to paper later

ridiculously tanned/sunburnt