
a total eclipse of the heart

this evening (morning?) at midnight marked the premiere of the third film installment of the twilight saga: eclipse. naturally, i was one of the twelve million tweens, sorry, "fans," who attended the midnight showing (in my defense i took my 12 year old sister, Lydz, as well).

at the beginning of the previews, the movie theater's manager came in and informed all of us in the theater that, if we were found texting during the show, they would come over and ask us to leave, and if we refused to leave, they would bring police into the theater to force us to leave.

it was a bit extreme if you ask me (although i was tempted to be THAT girl who gets forcibly removed from the twilight show by cops), but i adhered to the rules, which, unfortunately, disallowed me from tweeting my usual commentary to accompany the film.

in lieu of this disability, i made mental tweet notes in my head throughout the movie and have decided to compile them all into one blogpost

so, alas,

twilight: a movie review

the bad news is: kristin stewart still sucks.
seriously, does she try to look shittier in each scene or is that just my drowsiness?
the good news is: rpatz is as dashing as ever & still manages to portray ridiculously well that insane hunger for bella's blood (it's creepy but well done)

don't fret!
- taylor lautner still has uncomfortably/awkwardly small nipples
- kristin stewart still sucks
- there is still a collective grunt from the audience the first scene taylor lautner is shirtless
- the cullens are still sexy as ever
- the soundtrack is still fantastic

other comments:

i almost exploded in the opening scene when riley (newborn created by victoria to destroy the cullens), in pre-vampire state, stepped out of a building. why? because for a fleeting moment, i thought hunter parrish was onscreen. *droool*

i'm still a big fan of this field. seriously, favorite setting in all the twilight films is this bombass field. it's frickin' gorgeous.

since when does killing vampires equate to smashing glass? a vampire gets punched in the head and their head and neck just shatter. apparently killing newborn vampires requires the same skills readily handy in a drunken college freshman. angrily & drunkenly smashing windows = smashing vampire heads---you say potato, i say potato.

CHARLIE....YOU'RE A DILF. you, sir, may escort me out of the movie theater forcibly for texting ANY day

as dashingly handsome as the cullen coven is, are the fashionable biker jackets really necessary during battle?

dakota fanning. baby girl crush. awesome again as jane. 'nuff said.

all in all the film was pretty good--definitely better than the first two twilight films, but still annoyingly stupid (seriously...they should just cut the sex-y scenes out...they were too awkwardly done, i actually burst out laughing in the theater). i have yet to really derive any morals from the twilight series, except for maybe the following:

first, no pre-marital sex! if edward doesn't do it, than you shouldn't either!

and finally,

never trust a ginger.


the end of an era

the beginning of the end.

it's here. part 1 of harry potter and the deathly hallows is a mere 4 1/2 months away
and it leaves me surprisingly (or not so much) emotional

[please note: the warner bros release of the new deathly hallows trailer today warrants this sort of emotion and this sort of blogpost--ya hear that? it's justified, people.]

i don't know what to do.
obviously i am thrilled to see the films and expect they'll be just as spectacular as the rest have been, but, but....

what can be said about the end of characters (& a cast) i was raised on???

[oh hayy cuties. nice chest hair, daniel. emma, i forgive you for your six-head. rupert you're a ginger but i love you anyway--you should consider yourself very lucky.]

[side note: emma watson is presently a rising sophomore at brown university. the thrilling part of this is that she walked onto the rowing team at brown as a freshman & actually began training as a coxswain. unfortunately she quit early on but, I WAS SO CLOSE TO POTENTIALLY COXING NEXT TO EMMA WATSON IN AN NCAA RACE]

from age 7 to 16 (MY CHILDHOOD) the harry potter books were my world. a new one was released every few summers for me to guzzle down in a day (& sometimes late night) of fervent reading, and from age 10-20 the films will continue that thrilling saga for me.

but what happens when that saga comes to an end? when there is no more sense of comfort & anticipation for the next book or movie or even movie trailer??

all i can glean from this is that....come july 2011....i think i'll finally have to grow up. the end of harry potter = the end of an era.

college visits

similar to how i thought i was done with college applications for lyfe (undergrad that is) senior year (i was wrong), i also thought that the summer before my senior year would be the end of my prospective college scope-outs (please just read that as touring colleges).

make that wrong again (life: 400, 345, 412 meredith: approx. 1.3, for those of you keeping score at home)

i should've known that two summers after analyzing the campuses of skidmore (didn't apply), cornell (didn't apply), colgate (didn't apply), hamilton (didn't get in), dickinson (didn't apply), & bucknell (waitlisted), i'd be back in the game, this time taking kathy around new york and new jersey. this weekend we quick zipped up to suny-purchase & drove through rutgers in an overnight trip.

(side note: this post isn't about kathy, it's about me. typical.)
i found myself not viewing the schools holistically, and from the eyes of kathy, as i should've, ad rather as though i were a young blossoming seventeen year old on the brink of collegiate livelihood.

i hated suny-purchase.
i loved rutgers.

um, hi, life? thanks for letting me know what i wanted in college a year AFTER i'd applied places.

touring these schools made me realize something i didn't know this time last year, or this time the previous year...or ever until now.
i actually like big state schools.

i made so many mistakes in my college application/decision process...i was obsessed with small liberal arts schools in the north. turns out i really like big state schools ...anywhere.

driving around rutgers made me wonder why the hell i didn't apply to rutgers, and moreso, why the hell i didn't even look at the damn school. i could say the same about virginia tech, jmu, uf, and a million other schools.

i was so damn blinded by uva that i didnt even consider any other options. it's kind of psychotic. i still don't understand why seventeen year olds are left with so many big decisions when they clearly have no idea what they want.

luckily for me, life is a pro at proving me wrong and putting me right where i want to be (kind of).

marshall jones, acting director at rutgers said today "sometimes you don't get into the things you want to...but it's O.KAY. you end up where you're supposed to be anyway. and you're fine. and you realize you love it and can't imagine yourself anywhere else"

to which i nudged kathy and nodded

hi, i am the prime example of the misguided kid who ended up precisely where she should and likes to be. thanks life for lucking me into clemson.

....although i still wouldn't mind a virginia acceptance ;)


the lexophiliac's musical poetry

when i was in elementary school i was what the kids call a "smartypants" and was chosen for the all elite & highly selective "gifted & talented" class. in g.t. one afternoon i recall an exercise our teacher had us do. we each had a large piece of construction paper and a pencil. she put on a classical piece and told us to draw what the music made us think of. i really enjoyed this exercise and kept the drawing for years that depicted a story i thought the music told me (something involving an antebellum beagle).

i recently (as in ten minutes ago) decided to express music through nondescriptive language and test a stream of consciousness (like legitimate falling to the sound) of what i think during a song.

the result?

the lexophiliac's musical poetry


tambourine bell cactus echoe and buzz
vibrate tongues hydrate
beak song vocal purse waterfall out
lie down you know we teasin
lay down reflecting pool eye
ring of cartoon pine
president 1901 rapunzel tower
20 seconds
tumble fire escape photography
fern bullfrog bounce
repeat x guitar wince
triple wince tumble then out with sheer ice cuts whispered with magenta