
i'm moving to iceland

top reasons:
1. summer nights are summer days
2. higher general satisfaction
3. brilliant climate
4. pure water
5. gorgeousness

Beauty is truth, truth beauty

...that is all
ye know on earth, and all ye need to know.

just finished keats' "ode on a grecian urn" in 310, which actually pleasantly surprised me with how much i actually ended up liking it...the way ML taught it made the whole class very philosophical and thoughtful...it was awesome. reason #34309587687 i love english: english makes you think!

picked up einstein's for a bagel sandwich and some caffeinated beverage for lunch (despite my interest, i was still struggling not to nod off during 310 class) and sat myself on the futon for some early afternoon stumbling.

i'm gonna vote crybaby as my favorite, joker is a close second.

anyway, i have to do some quick read-overs of native american women's poetry before my ethnic lit (353) class in 30 minutes--more blogging to come!

right on past 83rd street

i smell like syrup right now because i accidentally opened up V's syrup scented candle earlier. if you know me at all, you know how much i detest the scent of syrup. it makes me want to straight up vomit, gag, all of the above.


i'm stressed because i've forgotten how to write a great analytical paper. where's wendy when i need her???


increasingly disappointed with way too many people, things, and the way things turn out. it's discouraging. honestly surprised sometimes that i don't just give it up.

i don't appreciate the two-faced-ness of too many people i know, i don't appreciate the false support i'm getting from certain people, who, when i turn my back shake their heads "no" at the possibility of my succeeding.

i'm just not really into it.


pregnancy pact

currently watching "pregnancy pact" on lifetime (rerun from last night).
it's strangely gripping...even H got into it, and H hates films! so... an obvious indication of it's interest level. it's crazy dramatic and has ridiculously terrible acting but is strangely fascinating...

i guess it's a classic lifetime movie with morals and such
but it made me watch the whole time...

dayum lifetime way to go!


we murderers, cuz we kill time

enjoying a lazy saturday in clemson...a.m. practice was over by 9:30 or so and i've been awake ever since....Am and i watched endless youtube videos (including the hilarious collegehumor prank wars between amir and streeter, as well as enrique iglesias music videos) and otherwise everyone is either napping, listening to music, or just simply chilling. the clemson-duke basketball game isn't until 9 tonight (we didn't get tickets so we'll watch on tv) but that's basically all we have planned for the day.

ps: stumbling found me this last night (i really like this picture):


it's S's birthday and he's out dancing with other girls.
that's my role.
i had a six hour nap today and it was refreshing.
i might go take a shower to top the day off, or just pop some nyquil so i can go to sleep and forget certain things.

the format


miles from where you are

a numerical blogging for today:

1) i can no longer visit S for birthday celebration. i'm particularly devastated.
2) i'm reading "dear john" in anticipation of the film and both the book and the film's trailer make me cry at least once a day
3) i have an ear infection and i detest it, for it does not allow me to hear out of my left ear so that it is as though half my head is contained in a bubble
4) i miss S
5) i thought the song from the dear john trailer was really good, snow patrol's "set fire to the third bar" but then i listened to the whole thing and it sucked. no surprise there, snow patrol..."chasing cars" is still your only decent song



today, it was absolutely gorgeous in clemson. i was in a great mood--it's friday, my public speaking class was cancelled, and there was cake in my fridge (cake being my favorite food). i had a great nap all afternoon, had a great 40 minute run at practice (my body feels amazing--runner's high!), and then split a delicious dinner with Kl and V at olive garden.

otherwise, i'm counting down the days until i visit S at school for S's birthday :):):) (i've got several gifts in the works....!) --can't wait to celebrate! <3