
failure to blog

yes....i've been busy. whoops...

i guess i should to be continued on my fall break sooo...

anyway sunday/monday/tuesday i hung out at uva with E, T, Lr, and others
had a lot of fun at the "robinson" dinner monday night in which all the fun robinson kids at uva plus me went out to dinner downtown and St got mistaken for a transvestite.....classic.
tuesday was fun too...i saw the house E and Lr might live in next year ...aka are going to (they signed the lease) and then we went to dinner at lemongrass.....amazing thai food *drooool*

...i love thai food.

long story short.....i fell in love with uva all over again.

since fall break i've basically been busy catching up on classwork missed while mono-ed up, working through papers and exams, and coxing my ass off at rowing (yesss i get to cox again, by the way! as well as run)...

today Kt and i enjoyed a 40 minute interval run/walk/chat :) and i loved it....my heterosexual life partner is sooo awesome...i dont care if we're weird hehehe.

this weekend i'm getting pretty pumped because i'm headed to kentucky for the monsters of folk concert featuring none other thaaannn

m. ward of she & him (i would explode if say....zooey deschanel just popped onstage by the way)
jim james (yim yames) of my morning jacket
and mike mogis and conor oberst of bright eyes....

Kt and i have a delicious 7 hour drive and then the most delicious indie-folk concert ever...and then CAR-BED...(yes, sleeping in the trunk of her car) and then 7 hr drive home...

so stoked for halloween...as a result



rule #2: double tap

so i'm on fall break and thus far it's been incredible.

Kt, Kl, Am and I kicked off fall break by having an intimate late lunch at ruby tuesday's that involved a lot of loving and a lot of laughing (and lots of nargle-yness on my part)
friday night i left via train for charlottesville, an overnight trip. i arrived in c-ville at about 7 in the morning and met up with T and E as well as D who was visiting from elon. we hung out in E's dorm briefly and then over to T's until around 930 when S arrived from h-burg to pick me up. S and i took the a little less than an hour drive from uva to jmu where i finally got to see....everything in his life :) Sm and Cr were just waking up when we walked in, and I was introduced to S's roommate and suitemates (all very nice, despite my inherent dislike for his roommate...whoops?). We all hung around until S's dad and sister showed up (it was family weekend at jmu). All of us went to el charrrrrooo ("el ghetto" from netta times), and then went to see zombieland (a surprisingly hilarious movie) and then played v-ball outside S's dorm (very fun even though i suck). A showed up to visit Pj and I surprised her by tackling her from behind.....it ended poorly with muffin all over my pants.

after S's family left, Sm and i had naptime and then we all rolled out to fiesta jmu-style. it was fun drinking again (i've been sick and thus prohibited) as well as smoke cigs with some of my favorite people (S, Sm, Cr). S and i headed home in the early late-night and watched planet earth and ate ramen (and partook in loving activites :D ) and then fresh prince in his bed with gummy worms. S said the cutest thing while watching fresh prince that made me half want to cry half want to hug him forever. ps: falling asleep with S is my favorite thing ever.....i want my life to be that every night.

anyway the next morning Cr and Sm escorted me back to uva, where i began part two of my fall break adventures...

to be continued